วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

How To Play Guitar



Beginner Guitar Chords – How To Play Guitar Chords

If you have been sitting at home with your new guitar trying out single notes in different positions on the fretboard, you probably want to start learning how to play guitar chords. The basic definition that all guitar chords fall into is “a combination of two or more notes”. You can play the notes simultaneously or you can strum them so that they sound as a sequence of notes.
One of the simplest beginner guitar chords is E minor. It consists of two notes: E and A. It is played by placing two fingers together, and it represents almost no challenge for the beginner guitar player. However, if you want to REALLY learn how to play guitar you will need to learn your beginner guitar chords in a more organized way.
We usually start with major chords. There are C, A, G, E and D major chords. Each of these chords is a combination of a group of notes. Most songs will consist of three or more chords and you will find that many contain the major chords.
Le’s take a look at the C major chord. To play it in the first position, that is in the frets nearest the end of the neck, you place your ring finger on the fifth string at the third fret. Your middle finger goes on the fourth string at the second fret and your index finger is placed on the second string at the first fret. The third and first strings are left “open”, that is, not fretted by any of your left hand fingers.
The C major chord:
Once your fingers are in place, strum the chord with your plectrum or thumb, starting at the fifth string and hitting each of the five strings.
Now, the A major chord. The index finger goes on the fourth string at the second fret, the middle finger goes on the third string at the second fret and the ring finger goes on the second string at the second fret. The fifth and first strings are open. Once again, start strumming at the fifth string. With three fingers jammed together you might be having some trouble getting all the notes to sound cleanly so you will need to try several times to adjust the position of your fingers.
The A major chord:
The G major chord uses all six strings but fourth, third and second are played open. So, place your middle finger on the sixth string at the third fret, your index finger on the fifth string at the second fret and your ring finger on the first string at the third fret.
The G major chord:
To strum the E major chord place your middle finger on the fifth string at the second fret, your ring finger on the fourth string at the second fret, and your index finger on the third string at the first fret. All the other strings are played open so you start strumming at the sixth string.
The E major chord:
To play the D major chord place your index finger on the third string at the second fret, your ring finger on the second string at the third fret and your middle finger on the first string at the second fret. With the D major chord you only play four strings so start strumming at the fourth string which is left open.
The D major chord:
At first it will feel very strange trying to finger chord shapes, and quite frustrating when every time you change a chord you need to slowly place each finger in position. It’s a contrast to watching experienced guitar players moving between chords at blinding speed. But they all learnt by the same painful process that you are beginning now.
Here is a tool that displays and strums all guitar chords for you so that you can see and hear how the chords should be.

